martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

I like a cars.

Brands of Cars.


I like travel

I want to buy a private island and travel every time it's out of the way.

Buy met a jet.
And go to my friends,have fun anden drinking and eatin

Go with all my friends, to have fun.

And do what we have never been able to do,be free

I like football


I like playing football, And I would like. toplay football
Because it is a beautiful job

But to be it is needed the following: 
Time, money and hard work!These are the three main premises that every boy or girl must 
take into account if they want to become a professional footballer.
The sacrifices to be a professional footballer can be many, but not only for children. Parents will have to forgo TIME,              

andadvise their parents at certain
invest MONEY and support their children while pursuing their dreams. They will 

tialso have to make some hard deciandadvise their parents at certainmes.


Interview Girona

                                                        INTERVIEW IN GIRONA - Where are you from? + I'm from Empuriabrava, but I was b...